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"After I finished rocking with both terror and laughter – I forgot to mention the main point: Tenenbom is extraordinarily funny – insight started to trickle in.
Read what Tenenbom has to tell us, without bias. We don’t have the privilege not to know."
"Catch the Jew! offers one of the more interesting portraits of Palestinian politics to have appeared in English . . . No reader of Catch the Jew! can come away having failed to learn many new things about Israelis and Palestinians, two peoples we talk about so much but understand so little."
Wall Street Journal
"Tenenbom's riveting tale, chock full of unbelievable and hilarious encounters, is highly engaging and emotional, eminently readable, brutally honest, and likely the most uncensored and eye-opening report readers will see."
Publishers Weekly (Starred review)
"Hillarious. Meticulously documented, brilliantly written."
"The finest book on the Middle East saga."
Die Welt
"A daring and hilariously written account."
Commentary Magazine
"If there's anything a Jew must do, it is to read Catch the Jew!
Israel Hayom

Watch the CBN report
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Sample pix & flix of Stage Presentations: USA, Abroad
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Catch the Jew! recounts the adventures of Tuvia Tenenbom, who wanders around Israel of our time calling himself “Tobi the German.” In the course of numerous interviews Tuvia extracts information, sentiments, hidden theories and delusional visions motivating the miscellany of peoples forming the present-day Holy Land.
Does Palestinian wife number one hate the Jews more than she hates wife number two? Who does a young German tourist hate more, her dead Nazi grandpa or the just-born Jewish baby? Who finances cash-rich NGOs pursuing a Judenrein Israel? Who sets Palestinian olive groves on fire and why? What do you see from a Piper Cherokee above a Bedu camp? Who are the flaming feminists who sacrifice their lives for the rights of polygamists? Whose land is this, anyway?
In the course of his seven-months journey Tobi the German discovers Syrian flags growing inside apples, she-asses who used to be men, five-star refugee camps, flying prophets, cash-loving guardians of the poor, masturbating monks in eternal love of Palestinians, human rights activists in eternal hatred of Jews, cash-rich rabbis without congregations, families growing in cemeteries – among many others.
Catch the Jew!, the most humorous composition on the Middle East to date, is a polyglot spin around a cultural miscegenation in a very small space. However, its never-daunted author finds that with labneh, strudel, olive oil, apple pie, kebab, rugelach, hummus and schnitzel, a happy tummy can bear us through even the most appalling matters. Except the conclusion.
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A Spiegel Top Ten Bestseller
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Catch the Jew! was published in Hebrew under the title Tfos ta'Yehudi! (Catch the Jew!), by the Israeli publishing company Sella Meir in Tel Aviv. Capturing the mind, imagination, spirit and admiration of Israeli readers, Catch the Jew! soon reached the #1 spot of Israel's most important Bestseller lists: Haaretz, Steimatzky, and Yediot Ahronot. Catch the Jew! was originally commissioned by the prestigious German publishing company Suhrkamp Verlag, of Berlin, and was published under the title Allein unter Juden (Alone Among Jews); it promptly ascended to the Top Ten of the Spiegel Bestseller list, Germany's most important list. The English edition of Catch the Jew! was published by Gefen publishing company, earning over 350 "5 Star" readers reviews in Amazon.
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Israel's #1 Bestseller!
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Sample reviews (Israel):
"The best book in the bookstore." Galei Zahal (Army radio)
"The most important book I have read in the last five years." Channel 2 TV
"Tenenbom's insights are sharp and clear." Haaretz
"A brilliant book." Maariv
"A fascinating, picturesque book by a picturesque author." Yediot Ahronot
"Catch the Jew! is a funny, shocking, depressing documentation of anti-Semitism and self-hatred." Makor Rishon
"Run to your nearest bookstore and pick up a copy . . . I haven't laughed this hard out loud in a long time . . . This book is a must for anyone who wants to formulate an independent opinion on the reality in this region." Israel Hayom
"It's been a long time since a book affected me so deeply . . . There are those who compare Tuvia with Woody Allen but I think that these two are like oil and water. Whereas Woody is scared of his own shadow, Tuvia doesn't stop walking, deeper and deeper, in places most of us don’t have the courage to enter." Walla
"It is time to raise this Tenenbom to the stake. I’ve got some friends in Lod who would love to do the black job and drop his dead body in the sands of Rishon." Alona Kimhi (Israeli peace activist and an artist, on the Meretz party Knesset list), as published on her Facebook page.

"The humor in Catch the Jew! is razor sharp, it is highly intellectual and it’s so funny that it will bring tears to your eyes. Tuvia, the ultimate leftist and humanist who loves all people, is everything the left pretends to be but is not. He exposes the European and Israeli leftists and human rights activists for what they are, racist and ignorant, and this creates an obvious tension that is at the core of this book. No wonder that some leftists are calling for his murder . . . Tuvia is curious as a cat, sly as a fox, friendly as a Labrador, and is also a man with seismographic sensitivities." Mida

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Tuvia Tenenbom and Yariv Oppenheimer, leader of the Peace Now movement, debate the book Catch the Jew! on Voice of Israel radio (Reshet Bet), Channel 10 TV and the Knesset Channel TV; links provided below.
To the viewers who don't understand Hebrew, a concise summary of the three debates follows:
Yariv Oppenheimer: Catch the Jew! is a pack of lies, a pure propaganda pamphlet.
Tuvia Tenenbom: This a 400-page book. Did you read it?
Yariv Oppenheimer: No.
Tuvia Tenenbom: How could you pass judgment on a book you didn’t read?
Yariv Oppenheimer: I don’t want to read it! Period!

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Sample reviews (Germany):
"The finest book on the Middle East saga . . . Such a funny book on the drama known as the Holy Land has not been written in ages." Die Welt
"The facts reported in this book may unnerve you and unsettle you, but when you read this book you will be highly rewarded because its pages are packed with humor that will bring laughter to your face." n-tv
"What a crazy country. What a great book." Neues Deutschland
"Tenenbom goes where it hurts . . . he wants to know what the reality is, not what we would like the reality to be." Mitteldeutsche Zeitung
"We have a pattern of thought when thinking about the Middle East conflict: The Palestinians are victims, the Israelis are just revenge-thirsty, and the West is the one helpless voice of reason. You need to have curiosity in you and a fearlessness of thought to view the Middle East story differently, a curiosity and a fearlessness that Tuvia Tenenbom has . . . Here is a man, a writer, who does not follow patterns of thought dictated by others, nor does he abide by a code of language that the others have imposed. And yet, he keeps his sense of humor throughout the pages." Spiegel Online
And here's a tasting from Austria:
"The funniest book ever written about anti-Semitism."
Wiener Zeitung
"A masterpiece."

From the Facebook page of Minister Naftali Bennett

Major General Jibril Rajoub (l) and Tuvia Tenenbom, at a demonstration in Bil'in
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Channel 9 (Russian) report:

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