Proudly Presents the Critically Acclaimed:
I Sleep in Hitler's Room

Thousands upon thousands read it. Find out why.
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Also available in German, under the title Allein unter Deutschen.
A Four-Month Spiegel Best Seller book!!
(Equivalent to the New York Times Best Seller list in the USA)

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Order here your copy of this hilariously funny, exceedingly intelligent book:
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"Hugely entertaining, terribly funny, sarcastic, engaging, powerful, accusatory, judgmental, good! A tremendous book." -National Review
"This book is both hilarious and alarming. A Stunner! It's funny, it's darkly funny, it's nervous-making funny!" -WABC
"Tuvia Tenenbom is Michael Moore and Borat in one." -Die Welt
"Courageous, funny, outrageously absurd." -Der Spiegel
"Satirical and sharp." -Yedioth Ahronoth
"Candid and unsettling." -Forward
"Brilliant." -Deutschlandradio
"Tenenbom is a world champion." -Mittledeutsche Zeitung
"This book presents clear, pure, unfiltered truth." -Jüdische Allgemeine
"Asking questions nobody else does, either because they are too improper, awkward, embarrassing or explosive, is the definition of courage -- and this book is a 'kamikaze' ride of discovery into Germany's national character." -Die Zeit
"Tenenbom's reportage of Germany is straightforward and readily formulated, mixed with a gentle despair and jibes, in addition to a good measure of self irony. Yet despite of the darkness Tenenbom encounters, and which he explores, this book is quite entertaining." -Spiegel Online
"When American author Tuvia Tenenbom traveled through Germany, he discovered plenty of anti-Semitism. His book, recently published in German, has triggered an intense discussion." -Der Spiegel
"So chatty and engaging and laugh-out-loud funny that it's hard to put down. Tenenbom is brilliant." -PJ Media
"Exposes the roots of anti-Semitism with biting humor." -Report
"Rare wit. I couldn't put it down." -Winnipeg Jewish Review
"An alarming account of anti-Semitism." -Haaretz
"A revealing investigation." -Jewish Telegraph
"Very funny, but also very sad." -Cicero
"Congratulations on exposing the myth that German anti-Semitism is a thing of the past." -Rabbi Marvin Hier (Founder & Dean, Simon Wiesenthal Center)
"To understand Germans, one has to learn their language and live with them -- or read Tenenbom's book . . . Tuvia Tenenbom comes off as a Jewish Hunter S. Thompson, describing cringing encounters in Germany that strip away the veneer of sanity from his subjects . . . Every encounter with an interview subject is an experimental drama, redolent sometimes of Pinter or Beckett, more often of Brecht or the Marx Brothers." -Asia Times
"The book is a gem.
Even when the content is hard and harsh, it is still very entertaining and very funny.
Cynical and ironic commentaries, crystal clear argumentation and ingenious
observations give the book a light tone. It's enviable that Tenenbom succeeds again and again to pair the most atrocious monstrosities with just a mild
He asks his interviewees simple questions, which they answer by revealing
their exasperating world views.
When reading these passages, despite of Tenenbom's humor, one feels the urge to
bite into one's desk with pain, shame and rage.
Tenenbom's finding of anti-Semitism is hard stuff indeed, but thanks to his populist
style he can reach a readership that up to now had no access to this
material." -Jungle World
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This is a Jewish story, told the way Jewish stories are told: with biting humor. On the face of it, this book is a travelogue, a journal by a Jew from New York traveling in today's Germany. A very funny story indeed.
But this is just part of the story, a little part of it. For I Sleep in Hitler's Room is also a book about modern anti-Semitism, about hate that refuses to disappear, about a disease that won't get cured and a curse that won't let go. All told in the clearest of style and most amazing of humor. But this is not fiction. From beginning to end "I Sleep in Hitler's Room" is a true tale, a tale about a country that created the Holocaust and a story about a continent that moves in the direction of creating another. The target group, as in the last round, is the same: the "Jews."
Why is Europe, the cradle of our civilization, so obsessed with Jews? Read "I Sleep in Hitler's Room" to find the answer. "I Sleep in Hitler's Room" will make you think, make you worry, make you cry, and make you laugh out loud. It is a book you will never forget. Ever. Buy it today. And run to tell all your friends.
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Let's hope, says Frank, that "the Nigger American president takes care of the Jews of Israel, who steal the water from the Palestinians, and stops those Jews once and for all."
He likes to sing sometimes. He sings for me a little song, a romantic tune. Let me share it with you: "We have crematoriums, and in each crematorium there's a little Jew . . ."
He smiles as he sings it. He has a good voice, by the way.
And I think: Probably that's how my family was led to death. With a song and a smile.
Traveling across Germany and seeking out that elusive quality that is the German character, playwright and journalist Tuvia Tenenbom wonders whether he has identified it in any one of several striking social phenomena—the proclivity of Germans to join clubs and group activities; how their aptitude for visual design shapes their architecture and their daily life; how their daily life is suffused with soccer and beer, the omnipresent beverage for all occasions; how they proudly self-define themselves by their achievements in precision technology; and, what is most disturbing to this son of
Holocaust survivors, how their crushing awareness of their dark history coexists with virulent anti-Semitism and a stubborn obsession with Israel.
Tenenbom integrates deep seriousness with the most lighthearted comic touch in this critical but affectionate look at both left and right in contemporary German politics and society. Listen in on his meetings with leaders in German industry and media, including former chancellor Helmut Schmidt, as well as with scores of private citizens whose everyday conversation Tenenbom ponders even as he gently teases them.
I Sleep in Hitler's Room, published by The Jewish Theater of New York, is geared for exciting onstage performances. In 2013, the JTNY was also engaged in stage presentations of the book in German, titled "Allein unter Deutschen," as part of our program: Redefining Theater Through Literature.
We are happy to announce that this program, "Redefining Theater Through Literature," has been an enormous success and was extended to 2014. The 2014 presentations are to take place in Austria, Israel, Italy, Poland and the USA.
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